Possible 2024 Election Candidates

Penguin Politics
4 min readDec 20, 2020

The 2020 Election is finally over as votes are finished counting. The presidential election went for The Democrat Candidate Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris. The House of Representatives also was a democrat victory — although a very narrow one — But The Republicans currently lead the senate, being only just one seat away from a majority, which is required to win. So, 2020 was a very wild year for American Politics. Now that its over, lets talk about The 2024 Election. More specifically, 2024 Election possible candidates. Now, to get the elephant out of the room, We have to talk about Donald Trump. Trump lost This years election, being The First Incumbent President to lose re-election in 28 years, since George Herbert Walker Bush. He was very angered at his loss, claiming election fraud and That The Democrats “stole the election from him”, Supporting his cause to the point of asking for many recounts in close swing states such as Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. To this day, December 17, he continues to claim fraud on Twitter. Anyways, we got carried away a little bit. So since hes so angered and furious at his loss, wouldn’t that mean he would want to attempt another run? Well yes, and he has in fact teased another run for President in 2024, so he probably would run, right? Well, we dont really know. I mean, yeah he is eligible to run in 2024, and it seems like he would with all the outrage over this years election, But, There remains a few questions. If he got voted out by The American People, why would they vote him back in? And, Would he sustain all his fame and tens of millions of supporters, or would he just be a forgotten president? And what about his age? If he runs in 2024 he would be 78. If he won, He would even break Bidens record of Being The oldest president by just a few months. Would he even be alive by then? We don’t know. Anyways, forget about Trump and lets talk about the other candidates. We are going to do This by party. Lets begin with The Republicans. So, Biden winning the 2020 election would trigger a huge and very intense republican primary. Some possible republican candidates are Mike Pence, Current Vice President of The United States under Donald Trump and Governor of Indiana. Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey and 2016 republican candidate. Nikki Haley, US ambassador to The UN. Mike Pompeo, Current Secretary of State of The Trump Administration. Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas, and 2016 republican candidate. And Ben Sasse, A Senator from Nebraska. And a lot more candidates to come. Thats a lot of candidates. Now lets move on to The Democrats. Lets talk about Current President-Elect Joe Biden. After a good 2020 campaign and victory, would Biden run in 2024? The most common answer to this question is no. And The most common reasoning to That Answer is his age. Joe Biden will be The Oldest president ever when he gets inaugurated in January 2021. To give you an idea about how old Biden is, The Previous Oldest President, Ronald Reagn, was 77 when he left office, and Joe Biden is entering office at 78, 1 year older than when Reagan left. So, will Bidens age and health prevent him from running in 2024? There is even evidence of Biden signaling an early stage of cognitive decline. Some people don’t even think Biden can make it to the end of his term. So, we aren’t entirely sure if Biden could even run in 2024, since he would be 82. Now lets talk about other Democrat Candidates. 2 potential Democrat Candidates are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Congresswoman from New York. And Kamala Harris, Vice President-Elect under Joe Biden, Senator from California and 2020 Democrat Candidate. Now, the one that really sticks out is Kamala Harris. She ran as A Democrat this year but failed to get any recognition in The Primaries, and dropped out really early in December 2019. But, she was chosen To Be The running mate of Democrat Nominee, Joe Biden. In 2024, when she would be The Incumbent Vice President, she would have a lot more attention and recognition needed for her campaign, unlike her 2020 run. Many people think She is likely to run in 2024. As for AOC, one might make the argument that she would be 34, too young to begin her campaign, But, what most people don’t know is that the requirement of being 35 to be president applies for inauguration day, not the starting of your campaign. So you could be 33 when you start your run but as long as you’re 35 by inauguration day its ok. AOC would be 35 years and 3 months old by January 20 2025, making her eligible for a 2024 run. So, those are The potential candidates for The 2024 Election. A lot of exciting new potential candidates in This race. Still, 2024 is way too far away for anyone to actually start an official campaign/run, so we will have to sit and wait for quite a while.

