How Joe Biden won The 2020 Election (TIMELINE)

Penguin Politics
4 min readDec 23, 2020


This is a timeline to show how Joe Biden won the presidency.
Before Biden announced his 2020 Presidential Campaign, he was a very popular potential candidate with some even suspecting his run just after Donald Trump won The 2016 Election. On April 25 2019, Biden announced his candidacy for The 2020 Race. Now, to begin his campaign timeline we have to look at his history. Many might not know, But Biden had actually previously ran for President twice. First in 1988, when he ran as s Democrat but ended up dropping out. Second in 2008, when he also had an unsuccessful campaign. So, after 2 failed tries what made Biden think that this was the time? Well, Because after Obama won The 2008 Democrat Nomination he chose Biden as his running mate. And before that, no one really knew much of Biden. Him becoming Obamas VP pick, and eventually Vice President of The United States, gave him the attention needed to run a good campaign. So for 2020, he finally did. Biden had only one goal and it was To Defeat Incumbent President Donald Trump. In fact, Trump winning in 2016, triggered possibly The most intense Democrat Primary we have seen in recent times, with all candidates having the same motives: Prevent Trump from Winning a second term. When Biden announced his run, he was the front runner in the polls. But, Like i said The Democrat Primaries were intense. Where do we even begin? Pete Buttigeig, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg. But, Bidens main contender was Bernie Sanders, a senator from Vermont, and 2016 presidential election democrat candidate. Towards Late 2019, Biden continued his lead in The Polls. And in February, The Primaries finally began, kicking the race off with The Iowa Caucus. Biden failed to win The Contest. This was a blow To Biden as The Iowa Caucus has been credited for predicting major parties nomination. Basically the common perception is “If you win The Iowa Caucus, You win The Primaries” Although Over the last elections, It has gotten significantly more difficult for The Caucus to predict The Winner of The Primaries. Many have lost faith in The Iowa Caucus. Anyways, lets not get too carried off guard here. On March 3, Super Tuesday was held. In Super Tuesday, 14 states are called for The Candidates. Biden dominated In Super Tuesday with 10 out of the 14 states being won by him. Candidates began dropping out, Biden was leading in The polls by a lot, and Biden won most states in Super Tuesday. His Campaign only grew from here. Early 2020 also introduced a new issue. The Coronavirus. The Coronavirus divided The Country in terms of Politics. Most Democrats believed in masks and social distancing to prevent the spread of The Coronavirus. Some Republicans didn’t care much about The Virus and thought it was greatly overexaggerated. The Coronavirus quickly became The Main Topic of The Race. The Coronavirus damaged Trumps chances of re-election as his response was very unpopular amongst Americans. This was great for Biden, as it was new material to further criticize Trump. Bidens campaign began promising Change. Social Unrest hits the country after The Death of George Floyd by a cop. People began protesting Police Brutality and for Black Rights. This was also good for Biden, as his campaign could promise more Change and possibly even swing Trump Voters to Biden. After months of primaries, It was looking like Biden was going to be The Clear Democrat Nominee. Bernie and many other Candidates dropped out due to their poor performance in The Primaries. On August 18, During The Democrat National Convention, Biden was nominated as The Democrat Candidate. He chose Kamala Harris as his running mate. This VP pick caught peoples eyes as Harris was a Woman of Color. Trump was easily nominated as The Republican Nominee, as he was The Incumbent President. So now it was Biden VS Trump. The Debates kicked off. The debates were filled with interruptions by both Biden and Trump. Bidens campaign continued to promote The Idea of Change and to Build Back from Trumps presidency. Election Night hit. In the early hours, Biden was well ahead of Trump. But, Trump began leading in various key and swing states and had caught up to Biden. But, Biden took Trumps lead in Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan and Biden ended up winning all those states, Topping the race with 306 electoral votes. Biden flipped some Hardcore Republican States like Arizona, and Georgia. He also won Key/Swing states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. Bidens 2020 Campaign has proved to be very successful. His main advantage was likely Trump, Himself. Trumps handling of The Coronavirus, and Social Unrest really swung many votes to Biden. Biden got the most votes for any candidate in American History with 81.283 million votes. Now, Biden will be inaugurated as The 46th President of The United States on January 20 2021.

